

Uncover The Secrets To Leveraging The Power Of Adventure

To Unleash Your Greatest Potential.

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The Human Performance Academy For Adventure Seekers 

ZERKERS [ zurk – ers ]

 At Zerkers, we create epic, life-changing experiences that unlock peak performance and unleash the human spirit. Our vision is to become the most impactful human performance adventure academy in the world. Our mission is to challenge all people to reach their potential. Our purpose is to catalyze positive personal and professional growth.

Get Your Copy of "The 5 Challenges" 

In this book, you'll find the keys to unlocking your potential and discover foundational skills learned from working with thousands of individuals and companies in countries around the world, including global icons, influential leaders, CEOs, high-level executives, and Navy Seals.


Order today to get a discount on The Challenge program.

What Members Say

"We covered a lot of ground during our sessions, and I was surprised and very happy with our coaching. As far as the value of our time together, it was an 8-9... It's hard to get a 10 out of someone like me. I really enjoyed the sessions and gained valuable insight. Here is a quote that is written on the wall inside the SEAL training compound where students PT; it's one of my favorites: 'The only easy day was yesterday.' I look forward to our next session."

Mike V., Navy Seal, Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG), commonly known as DEVGRU (DEVelopment GRoUp) or SEAL Team Six.

These challenges will push you to your limits, but you'll have a great time in the process. Zerkers is all about living life to the fullest. All are welcome. Just bring your heart.


Bryon H, Vice President

Zerkers community and adventure challenges have created a positive impact on my life and have challenged me to pursue my passion and push my limits. Things I one thought were unattainable have become realities in my life. I am inspired and motivated to continue the journey to live life to the fullest. I now know anything is possible and I'm ready for any challenge life throws my way.


Jill V, Owner

I cannot tell you how much weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and how powerful it feels to be reconnected with the deep feeling of why coaching is so attractive to me. I have been doing quite a bit of thinking and I'm really excited for our session.


Lauren T, Professional Health and Wellness Coach

Gracias a todos por ayudarnos! Yard clean up, parking lot, chicken coop (monkey proof), compost bins and friends!


Pura Vida Church, Costa Rica

I think this experience has changed me. I just became so happy, positive, and I feel so great since the trip! Thank you so much for inviting me on this amazing trip!


Amanda K, Project Administrator

As a partner on our Costa Rica Humanitarian Engineering trip/course, we found Zerkers to be reliable and well organized and their local expertise greatly improved the experience for the students and helped alleviate the logistical issues.


Aaron B, M.S., MET Coordinator – MSU, Denver

What Game Changing Leaders Say

By conquering your fear you cross over into doing what makes you feel really alive and really good and when you work on this you become really aware.

Surfing Legend: Brad Gerlach

Nice shirt Joe, It looks like great minds think alike. Yes, they do. 

World Leading Marketer: Joe Polish

I love your Quantified Calling - and we at RECODE believe the same - that the world badly needs a quantum leap in thinking and experiencing ourselves in a more profound and connected place. We are on that same mission together. We also believe it is people who impact people. I love your mission and support you 100%!

Kane Minkus Founder of over 30 companies, International Best Selling Author, Award-Winning Entrepreneur

Once you get it, It’s like taking the red pill or blue pill, I always appreciate your zest for everything you do!

Industry Transformer - Yanik Silver

Your ability to be comfortable in the discomfort and go towards that instead of running away is one of THE most transformative things you can do.

Executive Coaches: Jennifer Russell & Bryan Franklin

You'll need a helmet and diapers to follow this path. A helmet to break through walls, and a diaper to clean up your sh**." 

Perceptual Positioning Consultant: Stephan Stavrakis

Our Story

Throughout history, there are stories of hardcore Norse warrior-shamans. These Vikings were fierce warriors.

We are a modern-day tribe of “Underground Warriors for the People,” a tribe of people dedicated to impacting the planet in positive ways.

Like all traditional members of secret societies, Zerkers acquire their power by overcoming challenges. These challenges include spending periods in isolation and self-reflection, exposure to extreme situations, and engaging in solo and group experiences in the wilderness. Zerkers live for today and create habits to sustain themselves throughout their entire lives.

Come join us on the adventure and join the Zerkers family.

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